To see what individual artists are up to, please see Artists’ Events .
Our Annual Art Show 2022 – May 28 & 29
It was great to resume our 30-years-long tradition after the two Covid years, and finally have the Annual Show! Many works found their way to new homes, and the group managed this show in different settings from the previous ones. Thanks to all who helped make it a success!
This year’s AGM was held on April 18, 2022, via ZOOM. We welcomed three new members, Nora MacPhail, Dorothy Barrett and Gail Williams, all remarkable artists. Dina Belaia has agreed to stay president for another year. We are happy to have returned to in-person, life drawing sessions at the Withrow Park Clubhouse, and to resume our annual art show tradition!
The meeting approved the following slate of Officers for the coming year:
President: Dina Belaia
Secretary: Rowena Moyes
Treasurer: Cubby Coatsworth
In 2021 Central Connection lost three of its members – John Bellinger and Jerry Silverberg passed away, and Jude Marion moved to Hamilton. They will be missed.
2020 Annual General Meeting
By reason of the Covid-19 strictures in place, this year’s AGM was held on June 1st, via ZOOM. We welcomed two new members, Jerry Silverberg and Doug Lawrence, both remarkable artists. Dina Belaia has agreed to take on the role of president, and we all thank her for that. We have begun the process of updating this website to better stay in touch with you, and to showcase our artists’ wonderful creations. More on this soon!
Our Annual Art Show 2019 – May 25 & 26
Our annual art show was lots of fun. Many works found their way to new homes. Thanks to all who helped make it a success!
2019 Annual General Meeting
The annual general meeting was held Sunday, March 31st, 2019. We welcomed several new members, reflected on the past year, and made some additional plans for the coming year. Thanks to all who attended.
2018 Annual General Meeting
The 2018 AGM was held on April 2, 2018.
2017 Annual General Meeting
We are thankful for Liz Wilde’s stewardship of the past couple of years, as our Annual General Meeting on Monday, April 17, 2017, received reports of yet another successful year, ensuring our continued, happy, on-going endeavors. Liz has volunteered to take on the demanding tasks of Treasurer for the coming year as well as acting as key organizer for the annual art show. Gail Gregory is stepping into the new and challenging role of VP in charge of Publicity. We thank Clarice Thornton for continuing as Secretary, much appreciated. Andrew Stikuts has agreed to serve as president. He can be reached at 416 795-3524 or at . Thanks too to Dina Belaia for graphic design, and Benito del Monte Medina for web-page design. On a sadder note, we mourn the passing of Irene Flint, a deeply cherished member, inspiration, and kind friend.
Our Annual Art Show 2017
The Annual Art Show held the weekend of June 17th proved that art will always win over threatening thunderstorms. Lots of fun, and plenty of sales as well. Thrilled to be able to direct some proceeds to charitable endeavours, as usual.
2015 Annual General Meeting
The Annual Meeting was held on March 16, 2015.
After some concern in mid year, attendance picked up leaving us in a solid financial position. The change to a Feb 28 (or 29) year end has been successful. Responsibility for hiring/managing models will be rotated in four-month segments.
The meeting approved the following slate of Officers for the coming year:
President: Liz Wilde
Vice-President: Andrew Stikuts
Secretary: Clarisse Thornton
Treasurer: Gail Gregory
Immediate Past President: Rowena Moyes