Gail Gregory

GAIL GREGORY  b. 1947  Chicago,  attended ILLINOIS WESLEYAN U. SCHOOL OF FINE ART, graduated cum laude 1969 Bachelor of Fine Arts.

  • Honors Art Show 1969 exhibiting acrylic paintings and prints. Appointment as Print Assistant to IWU Printmaking Department, 1968-69 with Professor Fred B. Brian.
  • Immigration to Canada, 1969.  Joined Toronto’s Open Studio and took part in their first exhibition 1970.
  • Worked for Toronto Board of Education while continuing to paint, print and exhibit in many venues.
  • Attended drawing and printmaking classes at Central Connection.
  • In 1978 my prints were being sold in the Gallery Gabor, Markham St. Village, Toronto  and were included for many years in gallery exhibitions.
  • 1978  Represented by the Paperworks Gallery in Calgary, Alberta and sold works through them for several years.
  • 1987 –  2020 – Promoted to Curator, Sesquicentennial Museum, Records, Archives and Museum, Toronto Board of Education.  Ontario Museum Association, Community Museums Certificate. Retired 2020
  • Joined the Executive of Toronto Field Naturalists. Led nature outings, and led “Nature Arts” group of plain air sketchers. Instituted an annual art show in conjunction with annual nature photo show. 2000- 2008.
  • Watercolour classes with Nola McConnan. 2008-2011
  • “A Musical Journey” Watercolour Solo Exhibition  at Hugh’s Room 2012
  • Joined and continuing member of Central Connection as well as the Riverdale Artists Group

“The best thing about being an artist is how much you really see things.”

I am so fortunate to notice so much, to reflect on what I see and sometimes to transmit my vision to others.

When I have managed to produce a successful image from what I’ve seen ,   when it is shared with others I feel complete.

Over the course of my career, part-time for many years and now full time I have been able to  share and give and sell a lot.  And I have a lot more work to do.

Gail Gregory 2021


Gregory Artworks

Gail's page
Kew Gardens Bandshell – acrylic on gallery canvas 20×20 2019
Wild Bike Race
Lightning Strike
Spring Flood
Winter Night
Feast of The Rosehips